class Graph: def __init__(self) -> None: self.graph = [] def add_edge(self, first_index: int, second_index: int, length: int) -> None: if len(self.graph) <= first_index and len(self.graph) <= second_index: return self.graph[first_index][second_index] = length self.graph[second_index][first_index] = length def remove_edge(self, first_index: int, second_index: int) -> None: self.add_edge(first_index, second_index, 0) def print_matrix(self) -> None: node_count = len(self.graph) if node_count == 0: return print(" |", *range(node_count)) print("--+" + "--" * node_count) for index in range(node_count): print(index, "|", *self.graph[index]) def print_list(self) -> None: for first_index in range(len(self.graph)): edges = self.graph[first_index] print(f"{first_index :>2}: ", end="") for second_index in range(len(edges)): if edges[second_index]: print(f"{second_index} ({edges[second_index]}) ", end="") print() def create_empty_graph(self, node_count: int) -> None: self.graph = [[0 for _ in range(node_count)] for _ in range(node_count)] def save(self) -> None: if len(self.graph) == 0: return with open("graph.txt", "w") as file: file.write(f"{len(self.graph)}\n") for index in range(len(self.graph)): file.write(" ".join(map(str, self.graph[index])) + "\n") file.close() def first_import_type(self, file_name: str) -> None: with open(file_name, "r") as file: node_count = int(file.readline()) self.create_empty_graph(node_count) while True: line = file.readline().split() if len(line) < 2: break for second_index in line[1:]: self.add_edge(int(line[0]), int(second_index), 1) file.close() def second_import_type(self, file_name: str) -> None: with open(file_name, "r") as file: node_count = int(file.readline()) self.create_empty_graph(node_count) while True: line = file.readline().split() if len(line) != 3: break self.add_edge(int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2])) file.close() def third_import_type(self, file_name: str) -> None: with open(file_name, "r") as file: node_count = int(file.readline()) self.create_empty_graph(node_count) for first_index in range(node_count): line = file.readline().split() for second_index in range(node_count): self.add_edge(first_index, second_index, int(line[second_index])) file.close() def main() -> None: g = Graph() print("Import of the first graph type (А)") g.first_import_type("first_type_graph.txt") g.print_matrix() print("Import of the second graph type (Б)") g.second_import_type("second_type_graph.txt") g.print_matrix() print("Import of the third graph type (В)") g.third_import_type("third_type_graph.txt") g.print_matrix() print("Print the graph as a list") g.print_list() print("Adding a new edge 1-2 with length 6") g.add_edge(1, 2, 6) g.print_matrix() print("Removing the edge 3-4") g.remove_edge(3, 4) g.print_matrix() print("Saving a new graph") if __name__ == "__main__": main()